
June 2023


What Are Some Common Furniture Pests?

What Are Some Common Furniture Pests

Furniture pest control is an essential part of our homes and offices, but it can also be a target for pests. Pests such as termites, bed bugs, and rodents can cause damage to furniture, leading to costly repairs and replacements.

There are several types of pests that can damage furniture, and it is essential to know which ones to look out for. The most common furniture pests are:

  1. Termites: Termites are small insects that feed on wood and can cause significant damage to furniture. They burrow into the wood, creating tunnels and weakening the structure of the furniture.
  2. Bed Bugs: Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on blood. They can infest furniture, including mattresses, sofas, and chairs, and their bites can cause discomfort and skin irritation.
  3. Rodents: Rodents such as mice and rats can also damage furniture. They can chew through the wood and upholstery, causing holes and other damage.

How Can You Prevent Furniture Pests?

Preventing furniture pests is key to protecting your furniture pest control. Here are some effective ways to prevent furniture pests:

  1. Keep your furniture clean: Regularly dust and clean your furniture to remove any food crumbs or debris that may attract pests.
  2. Store your furniture properly: When storing furniture, make sure it is in a dry, well-ventilated area. Pests are attracted to damp environments, so keeping your furniture dry is key to preventing infestations.
  3. Seal any cracks or holes: Termites and other pests can enter your furniture through cracks and holes. Seal any gaps or cracks in your furniture with sealant or caulk.
  4. Use pest repellents: There are several natural pest repellents, such as essential oils and herbs, that can help keep pests away from your furniture. You can also use chemical pest control products, but be sure to follow the instructions carefully.

How Can You Treat Furniture Pests?

If you already have a pest infestation in your furniture, it is essential to take action quickly to prevent further damage. Here are some effective ways to treat furniture pests:

  1. Use heat treatment: Heat treatment is an effective way to kill bed bugs and their eggs. You can use a steam cleaner or a professional heat treatment service to eliminate bed bugs from your furniture.
  2. Use insecticides: Insecticides can be used to treat termites and other pests in your furniture. However, it is important to use them with caution and follow the instructions carefully.
  3. Hire a professional pest control service: If you have a severe pest infestation in your furniture, it is best to hire a professional pest control service. They can identify the type of pest and use the most effective treatment methods to eliminate the infestation.

pests can cause significant damage to your furniture, but by taking preventive measures and treating infestations quickly, you can protect your furniture and save money on costly repairs and replacements. Keep your furniture clean and dry, seal any cracks or holes, use natural or chemical pest repellents, and seek professional help if needed. By following these steps, you can ensure that your furniture remains pest-free and in good condition for years to come.

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Comparison between Sofa Repair and Buying a New Sofa

Comparison between Sofa Repair and Buying a New Sofa

Sofa Repair are an essential piece of furniture that provides comfort and relaxation in our homes. They are used frequently, which can result in wear and tear over time. When a sofa begins to show signs of damage, homeowners are left with two options – to repair or replace it. While buying a new sofa seems like the easiest solution, repairing the sofa is a more cost-effective and sustainable option. In this article, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of sofa repair and buying a new sofa.

Cost Comparison

The cost of repairing a sofa repair is significantly lower than buying a new one. The cost of a new sofa depends on the size, material, and design. Generally, a new sofa can cost anywhere between a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. Overall, repairing a sofa is a cost-effective option compared to buying a new one.

Time and Convenience

Buying a new sofa can be a time-consuming process. It involves researching, selecting the design and material, and waiting for it to be delivered. Depending on the availability, it can take weeks or even months to receive the new sofa. In contrast, repairing a sofa can be done quickly and easily. Professional sofa repair services can fix minor repairs on-site and have the sofa looking like new in a matter of hours. This makes sofa repair a more convenient option for homeowners who need a quick solution.

Quality and Durability

The quality of a new sofa may not always be better than a repaired one. Some new sofas are made with cheaper materials and may not be as durable as a repaired one. On the other hand, a repaired sofa is restored to its original condition and can last for many more years. Repairing a sofa also allows homeowners to choose high-quality materials that will improve the sofa’s durability and comfort. Overall, repairing a sofa can result in a better-quality product that lasts longer than a new sofa.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of buying a new sofa is significant. The production of a new sofa requires the use of natural resources such as wood, foam, and fabric, and generates a significant amount of waste. Old sofas often end up in landfills, contributing to environmental pollution. In contrast, repairing a sofa is a sustainable option that reduces waste and extends the lifespan of the furniture. By repairing a sofa, homeowners can contribute to a more sustainable environment and reduce their carbon footprint.

Aesthetics and Style

Buying a new sofa can provide homeowners with an opportunity to update their home’s aesthetics and style. With a new sofa, homeowners can choose a different design, material, and color that matches their decor. However, repairing a sofa allows homeowners to keep the original design and style, which can be beneficial for sentimental or antique pieces. Additionally, repairing a sofa allows homeowners to add customizations that enhance the sofa’s comfort and functionality.

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Spray foam insulation – Ultimate solution for drafty homes

Spray foam insulation - Ultimate solution for drafty homes

Are you tired of feeling chilly drafts in your home, especially during the winter months? If so, it’s time to consider an innovative solution that effectively seals your home and keeps it cozy all year round. Introducing spray foam insulation, the ultimate answer to drafty homes. Spray foam insulation is a cutting-edge technology that has become increasingly popular. Unlike traditional insulation methods, which involve rolls of fiberglass or cellulose, spray foam insulation is applied as a liquid that expands and hardens into a durable foam. This foam then creates a seamless barrier that effectively seals gaps or cracks in your home’s walls, ceilings, and floors. The outcome is an exceptional insulation system that not only ensures your home remains warmer during winter and cooler throughout the summer.

The standout feature of spray foam insulation is its exceptional ability to eliminate air leakage. Traditional insulation methods often leave small gaps and crevices where air escape, leading to drafts and energy loss. Spray foam insulation, fills every nook and cranny, forming an airtight seal that significantly reduces air infiltration. It means you say goodbye to those pesky drafts and enjoy a consistent temperature throughout your home. By creating an effective thermal barrier, it minimizes heat transfer between the inside and outside of your home. This translates into lower energy consumption and reduced heating and cooling costs. Many homeowners who switch to spray foam insulation report substantial savings on their energy bills. By allocating resources to this insulation solution, you enhance your comfort and reap long-term financial benefits.

Spray foam insulation doesn’t just keep your home warm or cool, it also provides exceptional soundproofing capabilities. The dense structure of the foam absorbs and dampens sound vibrations, making it an ideal choice for homeowners who value peace. Whether you live in a noisy neighborhood or have a home theater system, spray foam insulation creates a serene environment by minimizing sound transmission. Beyond its functional advantages, spray foam insulation also offers other benefits. It acts as a barrier against moisture and helps prevent issues like mold and mildew growth. The foam is resistant to pests, such as rodents and insects, ensuring that your home remains free from unwanted critters. Its durability ensures longevity and demands minimal upkeep, rendering it a financially prudent option in the long run.

It’s important to note that while toronto spray foam insulation experts has numerous benefits, its installation is best left to professionals. Trained technicians have the expertise and specialized equipment to ensure a proper and safe application. It will assess your home’s specific needs, recommend the appropriate type of spray foam, and meticulously install it for optimal results. If you’re tired of enduring chilly drafts and escalating energy bills, spray foam insulation is the ultimate solution for your draft home. Say goodbye to drafts and hello to a snug and energy-efficient home with spray foam insulation.

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Home Improvements

Unlock Your Creativity: Unique Uses for Custom Perspex Boxes in Home and Office Decor

Life needs to be longer for dull corners and dreary workspaces. It’s high time we embrace our creative potential and transform our spaces into reflections of our unique selves. What if I told you there is an effective and versatile product available that could assist with this endeavor? Enter the custom perspex box, a nifty, transparent cube set to revolutionize your home and office decor!

Why Custom Perspex Boxes?

At first glance, custom perspex boxes might appear simple enough; but upon closer examination you will realize their many uses and possibilities. These boxes are durable and sleek, and their transparency adds a modern edge to any space. Fully customized to your unique requirements and aesthetic preferences.

Here are some ways you can use a custom perspex box to spruce up your decor:

  1. Showcase your collections: Whether you’re a die-hard fan of vintage vinyl records or have an enviable array of succulents, custom perspex boxes are an excellent way to showcase your prized collections. The clear walls of the box ensure that your items are the star of the show.
  2. A stylish bookshelf: Tired of the same old wooden shelves? Why not opt for a custom perspex box? Stack a few of them together, and you’ve got a chic, modern bookshelf. Plus, thanks to the box’s transparency, you can easily find your favourite book.
  3. Innovative plant holders: Bring a touch of green into your workspace or living room by using custom perspex boxes as plant holders. The clear walls of the box not only highlight the lush greenery and allow you to enjoy the beauty of the roots and soil, adding an extra layer of visual interest.

Getting Creative with Custom Perspex Boxes in Your Office

Now that we’ve covered some general ideas let’s delve deeper into how these boxes can revolutionize your workspace.

  1. Desk organizer: Say goodbye to clutter with a custom perspex box! Use it to store your pens, sticky notes, or other small office supplies. It’s a practical and stylish way to keep your desk tidy.
  2. Display awards and achievements: Proud of your accomplishments? Show them off! A custom perspex box is a fantastic way to display your awards, certificates, or any other mementoes of your achievements.
  3. Create a zen corner: Need a little stress relief during the workday? Turn a custom perspex box into your zen garden. Fill it with sand, smooth pebbles, a small rake, and voila! You’ve got a little piece of tranquillity right on your desk.


From unique bookshelves to eye-catching plant holders, the custom perspex box is a versatile decor item that can bring a fresh and modern look to any space. With its transparent surface and customizable features, this frame fits easily into any decor style; plus its practical use makes it essential for anyone wanting to bring creativity into their home or office space.

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Choosing the right HCG diet drops – Factors to consider

Choosing the right HCG diet drops - Factors to consider

The HCG diet has gained popularity recently as a way to lose weight quickly and effectively. The of the key components of this diet is the use of HCG diet drops, which are taken orally to help suppress appetite and promote fat burning. With so many options available on the market, it’s hard to pick the right HCG drops. When it comes to diet drops, quality, and purity should be your top priorities. Look for products made from pharmaceutical-grade HCG and manufactured in FDA-approved facilities. It guarantees that you are acquiring a top-notch product that is devoid of impurities and adheres to rigorous manufacturing regulations. Take a close look at the ingredients list of the drops you are considering. Ideally, they should contain only natural and safe ingredients. Avoid drops that contain artificial additives, fillers, or preservatives. It is equally vital to verify whether the drops contain any allergens that you may be sensitive to.

Reputation of the brand

Seek out a trustworthy organization that has established a substantial presence in the market. Peruse customer reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the experiences shared by others regarding the product. A well-established and trusted brand will provide reliable and effective HCG diet drops. Consider the method of administration that suits you best. HCG drops are taken orally, but there may be variations in the dosage and frequency. Some drops require multiple dosages daily, while others may have a once-daily dosage. Choose a method that fits your lifestyle and preferences, as consistency is crucial for achieving the desired results.

Although price should not be the solitary decisive element, it remains a significant factor to monitor. Compare the prices of different hcg products online, but be cautious of overly cheap options. Low-priced drops may indicate poor quality or ineffective formulations. Seek a harmonious blend of affordability and quality to guarantee that you are investing in a product that will yield favorable outcomes. Check if the brand offers good customer support. A reputable company will have a dedicated customer service team that addresses your queries or concerns promptly. Having reliable customer support can make your weight loss journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Understand the safety profile of the HCG diet drops you are considering. Although droplets are typically considered safe when utilized as instructed, it is crucial to be mindful of any possible adverse reactions. Before commencing any fresh diet or weight loss program, particularly if you have underlying medical conditions or are consuming medications, it is advisable to seek advice from a healthcare expert. Each person is unique, and what proves effective for one individual may not yield the same results for you. Determine if the HCG diet drops align with your weight loss goals and if the diet’s overall approach resonates with your lifestyle and preferences.

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Amazing Benefits of Motorized Curtains

Amazing Benefits of Motorized Curtains

Convenience: Motorized curtains offer the convenience of being operated by remote control or through a smartphone app, allowing you to open and close your curtains with ease from anywhere in the room.

Energy Efficiency: Motorized curtains can be set to open and close at specific times of the day, helping to regulate the amount of natural light and heat that enters your home. This can help to reduce your energy consumption and lower your utility bills.

Enhanced Security: Motorized curtains can be programmed to open and close while you’re away from home, giving the impression that someone is inside. This can act as a deterrent to potential burglars.

Durability: Motorized curtains are built to last, with many models featuring heavy-duty motors and strong tracks that can withstand repeated use over time.

Customization: Motorized curtains can be customized to fit any size or style of window, making them a versatile choice for any home decor.

Accessibility: For individuals with limited mobility, motorized curtains can provide an easy and accessible way to control the amount of light and privacy in a room.

Types of Motorized Curtains

  1. Roller Motorized Curtains – These are the most popular type of motorized curtains. They are easy to install and can be operated with a remote control or a smartphone app.
  2. Motorized Drapes – These curtains are designed to open and close like traditional drapes. They are commonly used in formal settings like conference rooms or theatres.
  3. Motorized Roman Shades – These curtains provide a classic and elegant look. They are available in different patterns and fabrics.
  4. Motorized Vertical Blinds – These curtains are ideal for large windows and sliding glass doors. They are available in different materials like fabric, PVC, or aluminum.
  5. Motorized Horizontal Blinds – These curtains are designed for small to medium-sized windows. They are available in different materials like wood, faux wood, or aluminum.
  6. Motorized Skylight Curtains – These curtains are designed for hard-to-reach windows like skylights. They are available in different materials like fabric, PVC, or aluminum.

Tips for Installing Motorized Curtains

  • Choose the right motor: There are different types of motors available in the market with different specifications. Choose the motor that fits your curtains’ weight and size requirements.
  • Measure the window: Take accurate measurements of the window to determine the length of the curtain track you’ll need. Be sure to account for any obstructions, such as light fixtures or molding.
  • Install the track: Mount the track securely above the window frame. If you’re not confident with DIY installations, consider hiring a professional to ensure a level and secure installation.
  • Install the motor: Once the track is in place, install the motor onto the track. Most motors come with mounting brackets that attach to the track. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Connect the motor: Connect the motor to the power source and control system. Some motors may require an additional hub or bridge to connect to your home automation system.
  • Test the system: Test the motorized curtains to ensure they’re operating correctly. Adjust the settings and controls as needed to ensure smooth operation.
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Secret of Successful Sunbrella Upholstery Fabric

Secret of Successful Sunbrella Upholstery Fabric

Here are some of the factors that contribute to the success of Sunbrella upholstery fabric:

Sunbrella upholstery fabric is made of 100% solution-dyed acrylic, which makes it resistant to fading, stains, and mildew. The fibers used are also designed to be durable and long-lasting. Sunbrella upholstery fabric is created using advanced technology that involves weaving the fabric in a way that provides maximum durability, water resistance, and UV protection. This technology ensures that the fabric can withstand harsh weather conditions and frequent use. Sunbrella upholstery fabric is designed to be easy to clean, making it a popular choice for outdoor furniture. It can be cleaned with mild soap and water, and even tough stains can be removed with bleach without damaging the fabric. Sunbrella upholstery fabric comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing homeowners and designers to choose the perfect fabric for their project. The fabric is also customizable, so it can be tailored to specific design needs. These factors make it a popular choice for homeowners and designers looking for a long-lasting, low-maintenance, and beautiful fabric for their furniture.

Actionable tips on Sunbrella Upholstery Fabric

Regular cleaning is key to maintaining the appearance of Sunbrella upholstery fabric. For routine cleaning, use a soft-bristled brush and a mixture of mild soap and water. Rinse thoroughly and allow the fabric to air dry. Avoid using harsh chemicals, bleach, or solvents as they may damage the fabric. In case of spills or stains, clean the affected area as soon as possible. Apply a mixture of mild soap and water to the stain and gently rub with a soft-bristled brush. Rinse thoroughly and allow the fabric to air dry. To protect Sunbrella fabric from the sun’s harmful UV rays, keep it away from direct sunlight as much as possible. You can also use UV-blocking curtains or window treatments to reduce sun exposure. In addition, consider applying a fabric protector to help prevent stains and extend the life of the fabric. If you need to store Sunbrella fabric, make sure it is clean and dry before storing it in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in damp or humid conditions, which can cause mold and mildew to grow.

Most Important elements Sunbrella Upholstery Fabric

Sunbrella upholstery fabric is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear. It is made from high-quality synthetic fibers that are designed to withstand exposure to the elements. One of the main advantages of Sunbrella upholstery fabric is its ability to resist fading and damage from UV rays. This means that your furniture will maintain its color and appearance for years to come, even in direct sunlight. Sunbrella upholstery fabric is also water-resistant, which makes it a great choice for outdoor furniture that may be exposed to rain or moisture. Another benefit of Sunbrella upholstery fabric is its ability to resist stains. This makes it easy to clean and maintain, even in high-traffic areas. Sunbrella upholstery fabric comes in a wide range of colors.

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The Environmental Impact of Mattress Waste and the Importance of Recycling

In today’s consumer-driven society, the impact of waste on the environment is a growing concern. While we often think of plastic and electronic waste, there’s another significant contributor that often goes unnoticed. They are your comfy mattresses. The disposal of mattresses poses a significant environmental challenge with millions of mattresses ending up in landfills each year. 

In this blog, let us try to understand and explore the environmental impact of mattress waste and emphasize the importance of recycling these bulky items to minimize their ecological footprint.

The Environmental Toll of Mattress Waste 

Mattresses are a complex product composed of various materials such as metal springs, foam, fabric, and wood. Unfortunately, these components do not break down easily in landfills, resulting in long-lasting environmental consequences. The decomposition process of mattresses can take years, releasing harmful gases and leaching toxins into the soil and groundwater. Furthermore, their large size and volume make them difficult to reduce them into compact form, occupying valuable landfill space. All this is an environmental hazard, which needs to be treated in the right way.

The Importance of Mattress Recycling

Recycling mattresses is crucial in mitigating their environmental impact. By recycling, we divert mattresses from landfills, reducing the strain on waste management systems. Recycling allows for the recovery and reuse of valuable materials, conserving natural resources and reducing the need for new production. Additionally, recycling mattresses can create employment opportunities and stimulate the growth of a green economy. 

This is where Recyc-Matelas Canada contributes to positive change by supporting mattress recycling initiatives, advocating for responsible disposal practices.

The Process of Mattress Recycling

Mattress recycling typically involves disassembling the mattress into its constituent parts. The metal springs are recycled as scrap metal, fabric can be repurposed, and wood components can be used in mulch or biomass production. Foam and textiles can be shredded and used in other industries like carpet padding or insulation. Some recycling facilities even utilize advanced technologies to convert mattress foam into renewable energy sources.

The environmental impact of mattress waste should not be underestimated. Recycling these bulky items is crucial for reducing their ecological footprint, conserving resources, and preventing pollution. The striking aspect about mattresses is that the pollution associated with them goes unnoticed, which makes it significant for us to act on it. So next time when you are disposing of your old mattress, make sure you do it the right way.

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Ways to Have (A) More Appealing SOFA REPAIR

Ways to Have (A) More Appealing SOFA REPAIR

Choose high-quality materials: When repairing your sofa, make sure you use high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. This will not only ensure that your sofa repair lasts longer, but will also make it look more attractive.

Select a suitable color: If you’re replacing any part of your sofa, such as the upholstery, choose a color that complements the existing colors in your room. A color that contrasts with the rest of your furniture may not look appealing.

Use patterns and textures: Incorporating patterns and textures in your sofa repair can make it more visually appealing. You can choose to use patterned fabric for your upholstery or add textured cushions to give your sofa some depth.

Add some accessories: Adding some accessories, such as a throw blanket or some decorative pillows, can make your sofa repair look more appealing. Choose accessories that complement the color and style of your sofa.

Keep it clean: A clean sofa is always more appealing than a dirty one. Make sure you clean your sofa regularly to keep it looking its best.

What You Should Have Asked Professionals about SOFA REPAIR

What are the most common causes of sofa damage, and how can they be prevented?

What are the different types of fabrics and materials used in sofa construction, and how do they affect the repair process?

What are the tools and equipment required for sofa repair, and how can they be used safely and effectively?

How do you identify the type of damage or wear and tear that a sofa has sustained, and what are the steps for repairing it?

What are some tips for maintaining and caring for a sofa to prevent future damage and prolong its lifespan?

What are the most common mistakes that people make when attempting to repair a sofa themselves, and how can they be avoided?

How can you determine whether it’s more cost-effective to repair a damaged sofa or replace it entirely?

How long does it typically take to repair a sofa, and how much does it cost on average?

Tips About SOFA REPAIR You Can’t Afford To Miss

Assess the damage: Before you begin any repairs, you should assess the damage to your sofa. Determine what needs to be fixed and how extensive the damage is. This will help you decide whether you can do the repairs yourself or if you need to hire a professional.

Gather the necessary tools: If you’re planning to do the repairs yourself, make sure you have all the necessary tools on hand. This may include a sewing kit, scissors, fabric glue, a staple gun, and replacement foam or batting.

Choose the right materials: When repairing your sofa, it’s important to use materials that are similar to the original ones. This will help ensure that the repair blends in seamlessly and doesn’t look out of place.

Take your time: Sofa repairs can be time-consuming, so make sure you have enough time set aside to complete the job properly. Rushing the repair could result in mistakes that will be difficult to fix later.

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Various other functions of Study Desks

Various other functions of Study Desks

A study desk is a vital piece of furniture that is commonly used for studying, working, or even playing games. It is a surface designed to hold books, papers, computer, and other materials. Besides its primary function, study desks can serve other purposes. Here are some various other functions of study desks:


One of the most significant benefits of study desks is their storage capacity. They have drawers, shelves, and cabinets to keep your stationery, books, and files organized. You can use the drawers to store your papers and notebooks, while the shelves are perfect for books and other reference materials. Cabinets, on the other hand, can be used to store your computer or other electronic devices when not in use. Having a study desk with storage will help you keep your workspace clutter-free and enhance productivity.

Artistic Workspace

Apart from studying, a study desk can also be used for artistic work. Whether you are an artist or love creating art, a study desk can serve as a workspace for your art projects. It provides you with a flat surface to draw, sketch, paint, or design. You can also use the storage spaces to organize your art supplies and materials.


A study desk can also be an ideal gaming station. It provides a comfortable and spacious surface for your gaming setup. You can customize it to fit your gaming needs by installing a keyboard tray, a gaming mouse pad, and a monitor mount. With a dedicated gaming study desk, you can enjoy your gaming sessions without worrying about space or comfort.

Work From Home

In recent years, working from home has become increasingly popular. A study desk can be an ideal workspace for remote work. It provides a dedicated area for you to work without any distractions. You can set up your computer, office supplies, and other work-related items on the desk. A study desk with an ergonomic design will help you maintain good posture and avoid back pain caused by sitting for long hours.

DIY Projects

A study desk can also be used for DIY projects. It provides you with a flat surface to work on your DIY projects. You can use the storage spaces to store your tools and materials. With a dedicated workspace, you can work on your projects without worrying about creating a mess in other areas of your house.

Reading Nook

If you are an avid reader, a study desk can be transformed into a reading nook. You can add a comfortable chair and some cushions to create a cozy space for reading. You can also add some bookshelves or install some floating shelves above the desk to store your books.

Home Organization

A study desk can also be used for home organization. You can use the drawers, shelves, and cabinets to store your bills, documents, and other important items. A study desk with a bulletin board can also be used to post reminders, notes, and schedules.

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